AKA “Tim’s summer Camp”
…and YOU are invited !
We are having a Smallmouth Anger Open House at our unique earth-sheltered house in Norway, Michigan (in the Upper Peninsula). The dates are July 22 through August 8 (that’s 2 weeks and 3 weekends). During that time, any friends, customers and smallmouth fans who want to can visit, hang out at the underground mansion, use any of the boats and equipment there, get shuttle rides and tips on where to fish, meet new friends to fish with, etc. There is some lodging for guests available at the house, which has 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Plus and we have 3 acres, so our big lawn is available for campers or tents, and there is plenty of other lodging in town.
> We’re calling this event “Tim’s Summer Camp,” and YOU are invited!
> You could come for a weekend, a few days, a week, or for the whole time. And bring friends if you want to.
> Can’t come at this time? Visit later in the season
Music Lovers– Jam with our Band
If you like music, and especially if you play an instrument or sing, Tim’s Summer Camp is the place to be!
Musicians are gathering here from around the area (and some from across the country). We have a band room set up with everything you need to jam with us– A sound system, amps, mics, guitars, drums, and a keyboard. Plus we have bongo drums, tambourines, maracas, a gong, and other toys, so that anyone can join in!
NEWS FLASH—There will be a concert by the rock and roll band “Sweet Heet” at the Underground Mansion on Sunday, July 31, from 2 pm to 6 pm. If your visit includes that day, you’re in for a real treat! The concert is on the lawn, so bring your lawn chair.
The concert by “Sweet Heet” is also a public event, a free concert for the local community. It will be like a party on the lawn, with food trucks selling barbeque and ice cream. We don’t know how many people will come to this new event. But we know it will be a fun time with good music!
See the Upper Peninsula
The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is a special place for outdoorspeople. If you have never been to the U.P, you don’t know what you’re missing. (If you have been, you want to come again). The Upper Peninsula (U.P.), between Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, is packed with beautiful rivers, lakes and wild places. And superb smallmouth bass fishing! This is why Tim Holschlag, who had fished practically every smallmouth water across the U.S. and Canada, chose the U.P., out of everywhere he had been, as the place to retire.
The Underground Mansion
Tim’s Summer Camp is held at a unique earth-sheltered home in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Photos of the Underground Mansion:
Entrance to the Underground Mansion
Inside the Mansion
The band “Sweet Heet” will play for us
Besides tremendous smallmouth fishing, the U.P. has terrific trout fishing, plentiful rivers for canoeing and kayaking, lots of lakes and reservoirs, wonderful beaches on the Great Lakes, beautiful birdwatching, great hiking and biking trails, spectacular waterfalls, scenic drives, whitewater rafting… any kind of outdoor activity that you enjoy.
Looking for more to see and do? This area has plenty of local festivals, live music events, and attractions. Within just 10 miles of Norway, you can see an award-winning waterski show, visit a world-class ski jump, or tour an underground mine. Nearby you can also find great antique shops, farmers markets, and outstanding restaurants.
Boats and Tackle for You
The Underground Mansion has boats, gear and fishing tackle available for you to use. There is a 16-foot v-bottom lake boat with an outboard motor, a specially rigged fishing canoe with oars and a motor, other canoes, sit-on-top kayaks rigged for fishing, sea kayaks, and float tubes. And just for fun, we have inflatable kayaks, water hammocks, and water toys, too.
Fishing Tackle is plentiful here, also. All of the tackle that Tim Holschlag, a lifelong fishing fanatic and professional guide, accumulated is here and available for your use. Plus we have all of Tim’s maps and notes about the best fishing spots in the U.P. Also, Lyn Verthein, Tim’s partner, will be on hand to show you some hotspots, help with shuttles, etc.
Special note—since Tim passed away, his fishing tackle is looking for people who will use and appreciate it. So friends and fishers who visit can choose items that they would like to inherit.
Or Visit Us Later in The Season
If you can’t come during the Open House, you are invited to visit us later in the season. Fishing and outdoor ativities in the U.P. are terrific through the summer and fall, and we love to see outdoors people and/or music lovers any time. We have boats and fishing tackle for you, musical instuments in the band room, and plenty of space in the house and yard for you. Just email us or call Lyn at 612-708-9188 to arrange a visit.

Evenings at the Open House will have some special events. Every Thursday night there is a live music concert at the bandshell on Main Street in Norway. We can also have movie nights, game nights, jam in the band room, go out to some of the great restaurants nearby, or just grill on the patio… whatever you like to do during your visit.
Preparing the Mansion for Your Visit
We are hard at work preparing the Underground Mansion for Tim’s Summer Camp. We are getting the boats and tackle ready for you to use. We just installed a new fire pit. The band room is getting some new instruments and sound equipment. We are expanding the patio area for outdoor grilling and socializing. And we have cleared and mowed large areas of the 3-acre property, so there is plenty of room for camping and just hanging out (bring your lawn chairs, or use ours).
The Underground Mansion
On top of the roof:
Wish I could be there. but family plans prevent the trip this year. I hope this will be an annual event.