IT’S HERE! — The New Fly Fishing DVD!
The Best
Smallmouth Fly Fishing
DVD Ever Filmed
After 2 years of filming and a long production process, our new DVD is a big success!
“Smallmouth Fly Fishing– REVEALED” does just that– it reveals all the details of the techniques covered in the popular book “Smallmouth Fly Fishing,” with Tim Holschlag live on the water.
Watch the Introduction from the New DVD:
“Awesome DVD!!! This really is THE video on smallie flyfishing! There is nothing else that even gets close as far as covering the whole gamut — flies, tackle, rigging, targets and detailed techniques — topwater fishing, mid-depth, and all the way down to bottom-bouncing. You even include cold water fishing. I just can’t believe how much you’ve packed into a 70-minute DVD!”– Mike Giffith
Madison, WI

Using the line belly to animate your fly
Fish with Tim Holschlag
Live on the water with Tim Holschlag, you’ll learn exactly how to do the Crayfish Hop (the best subsurface technique ever invented). Find out why and when smallmouth take topwaters, and see the 3 best topwater retrieves. Learn the Twitch and Tease for mid-depth fishing, with all its variations and details.
Tim shows you the 10 best flies for smallmouth bass, with underwater demonstrations, and how to fish each of them. See our simple 2-leader system, and watch close-ups of Tim tying the best, easy knot for smallmouth fishing.
Tim gives you casting instruction, too, showing you the simple secret to cast big smallmouth bass flies easily. Plus, see how to catch the biggest smallies you’ve ever seen, by using an amazing technique that hardly any fly fishers know about– the Float and Fly.
See Samples from the Flies Chapter:
THERE IS MUCH, MUCH MORE IN THE FULL 70-MINUTE DVD. You’ve just seen only 1:40 minutes of this 9-minute chapter on Smallmouth Flies.

The 10 Best Flies
Smallmouth Bass Flies, Tackle and Techniques Like You’ve Never Seen Before
Besides spectacularly beautiful fly fishing scenes with plenty of fish-catching action, you’ll see how your fly performs underwater, how to use your rod tip to animate the fly, how to use the line belly to work your fly and why you must use a strike indicator for warmwater fly fishing. You’ll see live-action fish strikes in slow motion, showing exactly how your indicator moves when the fish hits.
“Best Smallmouth DVD ever– I loved it. Here are some of the reasons why:** Excellent underwater footage of the twitched fly moving (as a beginner I appreciate seeing what it should look like — I can figure out how to do it from there).
** Great examples of the effects of strikes on the indicator. (At the school, I remember you saying how you wished a fish would hit on the hop so I could see what it looks like — now I know).
** The video of the crayfish hop was great. (I would have never figured it out from just the book.)
All in all, I really enjoyed it and believe you did an excellent job of condensing the school information into an easy to understand DVD. This DVD truly is the “greatest thing since sliced bread!”
— Matt Bemer
Smallmouth School Student,
Cleveland, OH
See Samples from the Crayfish Hop Chapter:
THERE IS MUCH, MUCH MORE IN THE FULL 70-MINUTE DVD. You’ve just seen only 1:49 minutes of this 14-minute chapter on the Crayfish Hop.
A School on Film
This new video is solid instruction, not merely entertainment. It shows you everything you need to know to fly fish for smallmouth bass.
Do you catch several good-sized smallmouth every time out? You can, with the skills you’ll learn from this video!
“This is a quality release. For your first ‘out-of-the-box’ DVD, it’s a very nicely done piece of work. There are some imperfections, but nothing blatant.
> Professional, well-designed but not over-done like many are. Simple is good, and I enjoy Tim’s warm ‘regular guy’ approach.
> Chocked full of extremely useful, excellent information. I’d expect nothing less from Tim Holschlag.
> It’s entertaining as well as informative. It’s well worth the $26.95 price tag– an excellent educational and reference tool for successful smallmouth fishing with a fly rod.
> I’m going to watch it again – because I want to, not just to review it.”
— J Leslie Booth
Editor and Multi-Media Professional,
Jeff W, North Carolina –
Tim, Just purchased your DVD. It’s fantastic. Will recommend it to others, I am sure.
Robert Rose, Virginia –
A great DVD, full of information on smallmouth
Jim Hauer, Wisconsin –
Great Job!. This is the best ‘nuts and bolts’ presentation on smallmouth I have ever seen.
Micheal T, New Jersey –
The book and fly fishing DVD were great.
Dick Simpson, North Carolina –
This DVD is just what I have been hoping for. It was indeed worth the wait. I have watched it over and over. I already tried twitching the rod tip, like you show, along with a strike indicator, and both worked great! You are truly a master at your craft. Thanks again for producing such a great DVD!
Michael B, Ohio –
I would like to thank Mr Holschlag. His movie and book and movie have helped me a great deal. This is my first year of really hitting the fly rod. But yesterday it all payed off. Got to feel the power of bronze on the fly rod.
Dr. Karl W. Glander, Indiana –
The new video, “Smallmouth Fly Fishing Revealed,” is the finest fishing video I have ever seen. It exceeded my wildest expectations. A nice piece of work indeed.
Dan Johnson, Smallmouth Guide and Instructor, Minnesota –
I just watched your new video for the first time. I will need to watch it multiple times to take in all the information. A plus is all the smallmouth action– makes me want to grab a rod and take off for the stream!
I have watched many fishing videos, and have not seen any that give out such detailed information and well-illustrated points on techniques, and that are all proven tactics for smallmouth. It is very organized and easy to follow each step of the way. No BS, just good instruction. This will be a hit with anyone serious about smallmouth fly fishing.
Rich F, Indiana –
“I have taken a first viewing through the DVD and was stunned at the quality of instruction that Tim provides. His style of presentation is so laid back that the viewer doesn’t realize at first just how much he/she is learning. Something else I should mention– the video quality is also superb. This time I am referring to the aesthetics of the production apart from the actual content. It’s a real pleasure just to watch both of your videos! Thank you!
Ed Hoffman, Minnesota –
Kudos on your Smallmouth DVD. It really IS good, with all the techniques shown clearly.
David P, Ontario –
I really enjoyed the DVD you sent me and also happy to order the new “Hightail Craw” pattern. Thanks.
Arlin Schalekamp Fisheries Biologist and Smallmouth Guide, Minnesota –
Your new video is outstanding! Very informational, easy to follow and professionally done. It’s obvious that I will learn a lot from it
Carl R, Michigan –
Thank you for the excellent fly fishing video. It was very helpful after years of using your book. And you’re right, there are some things you have to see in action to really understand. Your video had more essential and useful information packed into it than any three normal videos.
Byron Begley, Owner, Little River Outfitters, Townsend, TN –
I have watched your new video twice and will need to watch it some more. You did an excellent job on this, and you should be proud. It is awesome.