
Book: River Smallmouth Fishing

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–The Best Techniques & Best Rivers–

by Tim Holschlag.

For All Anglers: No matter the tackle used, this book will improve your smallmouth fishing.

This is the new “Smallmouth Bible”, the most comprehensive book ever written about river smallmouth. An all-in-one manual for catching smallmouth bass in rivers. This is the first book to combine both how-to and where-to, with 17 chapters of comprehensive instruction plus the 102 best rivers destination descriptions. Includes 34 illustrations, 17 charts, 8 maps, and 130 photos.

___ A Smallmouth Angler Press ___
Exclusive Publication



River Smallmouth Fishing – The Best Techniques & Best Rivers

This is the new blockbuster, the most comprehensive book ever written about river smallmouth!

What makes “River Smallmouth Fishing” such a blockbuster?

  • If you’ve seen Tim Holschlag’s other 2 books, you know that he writes a better book each time. This book is the biggest and best yet!
  • This new book contains 5 years more knowledge and 82 more pages of techniques than the last book.
  • It has descriptions of 102 great destinations– all rivers.
  • It covers everything you need to know to catch river smallies.

— Large Format 7″ x 10″ — 358 pages — 128 Photos (50 in color) — 59 Illustrations, Charts and Maps —

“River Smallmouth Fishing” is the latest by Holschlag, a bronzeback guru who also wrote “Stream Smallmouth Fishing” and “Smallmouth Fly Fishing.” This latest book is Holschlag’s best. The 358-page tome is packed with how-to tips and tactics from a guy who has spent 45 years in basically a single-minded pursuit of one species of fish. There’s also a great section on top river smallie destinations.”
— Prairie State Outdoors

Fly anglers: don’t get scared off because there is a spinning rod on the cover.
This book will absolutely help you catch more smallmouths and enjoy your sport more. Hundreds of fly anglers have bought this book and they love it.

Why should fly anglers buy this book?

Spin anglers: this book is for you if you want to catch big brozebacks!

Why should spin anglers buy this book?
Reviews and endorsements from Al Linder, Bill Dance and other spin anglers:
“Tim’s new book is packed throughout with an amazing array of smallmouth knowledge gleaned from Tim’s many years on the water. By itself, River Smallmouth Fishing is an extraordinary treatise on how to catch the amazing bronzeback, and when coupled with Tim’s Smallmouth Fly Fishing book, anglers have it all, from topwater to bottom and all levels in between. Simply amazing!”
— Ed Constantini, Houltin, WI
Expanded, Updated Chapters on:

  • Reading the River
  • Seasonal Techniques
  • Float Fishing
  • Wading Skills
  • Smallmouth Biology
  • Difficult Conditions
  • Boat Buying and Rigging
  • Targeting Big Bronzebacks

All-New Chapters on:

  • 20 Top Lures
  • Subsurface Fishing
  • Getting Started Smallmouthing
  • Topwater Tactics
  • Tackle and Gear
  • Specialized Techniques
  • Introduction to Fly Fishing
Tim Holschlag says ...
Tim Holschlag“As you know, I have had an absolute lifelong passion for smallmouth bass and the rivers they live in. These fish are so amazing, and their river environment is simply spectacular.

Catching these fish on artificials, whether lures or flies, takes considerable skill. And river current makes it even more challenging. I’m very proud of this new book. It’s full of updated smallmouth information that will make both your fly fishing and spin fishing more fun and successful.

After nearly 50 years of smallmouthing, I’m still learning new things about rivers and smallies. Everything new that I’ve learned in the 5 years since I wrote “Smallmouth Fly Fishing” is packed into this new book.

“This is an accomplishment of which you should be very proud, and I believe you are leading the pack nationally.”
— Dr. Thomas F. Waters, Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota

River Smallmouth Fishing back cover
