Smallmouth Fly Fishing – The Best Techniques, Flies, and Destinations
by Tim Holschlag
The largest and most comprehensive book ever written on the topic — 352 pages, over 200 photos and illustrations, many in color.
Part I: 15 Chapters of Instruction
Smallmouth biology, river features, lake habitat, fly tackle, casting, wade fishing, boat rigging, and all techniques for both rivers and lakes
Part II: 40 Best Smallmouth Flies
Color photos, illustrations, recipes, and fishing instructions for the 40 top smallmouth flies.
Part III: 100 Top Smallmouth Destinations
The hundred best places to fish in North America, with maps, detailed information, and fishing tips.

In this book you’ll find:
- Cutting-edge presentations
- Never-before-published fly patterns
- Targeting big bronzebacks
- How to catch smallies in any size water
- Boat buying and rigging guide
- Tim’s ten topwater truths
- Guide’s secrets for difficult water conditions
… and much, much more!
Tim Holschlag, “Mr. Smallmouth “
Few can match Tim Holschlag’s passion for and knowledge of smallmouth. A long-time smallmouth guide, angling instructor and writer, he has avidly pursued the species for over 40 years, angling for them in 300 different streams. His 1990 book Stream Smallmouth Fishing was a classic on small water smallmouthing. Smallmouth Fly Fishing is sure to become the authoritative work on catching bronzebacks from all types of water.
“Tim Holschlag is a renowned smallmouth angler, and this is one of the most comprehensive books on fly-fishing for smallmouth to come out in some time.” — Fly Fisherman magazine
“This thick volume is crammed full of information on every aspect of fishing for smallmouths. Even if you’ve been chasing these fish for decades, Holschlag provides enough new information to make your fishing much more successful and rewarding.” — American Angler magazine
“Key to the content of this book is Holschlag’s vast experience with smallmouth bass. He has explored waters all over the United States and has fished more than 250 streams and 100 lakes.” — Eastern Fly Fishing magazine
“Nobody knows smallmouth bass like Tim Holschlag. Smallmouth Fly Fishing will surely become a collector’s item.” — Tom Helgeson — editor, Midwest Fly Fishing magazine
“Tim writes from A to Z about his beloved smallies. A must-read for every angler in pursuit of smallmouth.” — Ron Schara– ‘Backroads’ Host, The Outdoor Life Network
“Holschlag’s smallmouth passion has inspired him to write books. The new book is devoted to the art of fly fishing for smallies, and he expertly covers the topics, ranging from the right gear to the right fly to the right place.” — Minneapolis Star Tribune
“Mr. Smallmouth’s latest treatise, “Smallmouth Fly Fishing,” is a hit! I have seen the few books that have been written on fly fishing for smallmouth bass. For my money, Tim’s new book is the best of the lot.” — Bronzeback News
“Cutting-edge presentations. How to catch smallies in any size water. Targeting big bonzebacks. It’s all here, brilliantly written in a ‘no nonsense’ fashion with over 200 illustrations and photos.” — Feather-Craft Fly Fishing– St.Louis, Missouri
“The definitive book on smallies.” — Bob Mitchell’s Fly Shop
“A great new book by Tim Holschlag, about twice as big as his first one. I recommend you buy it before it sells out and you have to pay premium prices to out-of-print booksellers, like with his first book.” — Clyde Drury, Editor, The Smallmouth Bookshelf
“Holschlag has produced a detailed plan to pursue smallmouth bass. He goes one step further than most books by adding detailed information on places to catch smallmouth across the country, covering many diverse locals. This is a book every bass angler should have.” — Forth Worth Fly Fishers, Texas
“Tim Holschlag’s book “Smallmouth Fly Fishing” has started to change the way I think. His outlook covers 40 years of pursuing smallies. I’ve re-read some chapters three times.” — Steve White, president, Missouri Smallmouth Alliance
“Really three volumes packed into one convenient package, with modern and innovative techniques. No doubt about it, a very helpful book for fly-fishers of all levels of experience. I especially liked the guidance on how to hook up with a porkster bronzeback.” –Troy Winebarger, Georgia River
“Tim Holschlag knows bronzebacks better than anyone. The real value of this book is the tips and tricks that Holschlag shares. And then there are the flies, all proven producers and some of the very best around. Smallmouth Fly Fishing really is three books in one, and will make you one with the smallmouth.” — Fisherman’s Corner, Hunt the
“Successful strategies– smallmouth bass fishing guru Tim Holschlag spells them out in his new book, “Smallmouth Fly Fishing.” — Dave Carlson, host of “Northland Adventures”
“Tim ‘Mr. Smallmouth’ Holschlag takes only fishing vacations, and he just returned from fishing six rivers in five days, catching 17-inch-plus smallmouth in every river. “Smallmouth Fly Fishing” is filled with this same passion for smallmouth and his secrets for catching them” — St. Paul Pioneer Press
“A Masterpiece!! What a tremendous accomplishment, just fantastic!” — Pikemasters, Inc.
“A great read, with lots of good information.” — Twin Tiers Fly Club, Corning, NY
“Absolutely fabulous, the best smallmouth fly book to date.” — Bob Long Jr, Fishing instructor for the City of Chicago
“A fine and complete book, loaded with practical info fly rodders need to chase my favorite fish, the smallmouth.” — Lefty Kreh
Jim Walker –
With this book, Tim Holschlag shares a lifetime of wisdom with his fellow smallmouth anglers. You will find yourself referring to this book time and again as you continue on your fly fishing journey.
Paul Shikr –
What a great book you wrote. I have 3 other fly fishing books on smallmouth, yours is the best!
Ray Cox — Roanoke, VA –
Fantastic book– lively, well written, hugely informative. Superb.
Dan Sickinger –Schuylkill Haven, PA –
What a treasure trove of tactics & techniques! And the color photos are the best I’ve seen in a fishing book.
Kenneth Hartmann — Chicago, Illinois –
I own numerous fishing books. This excellent volume should be listed in the same sentence as many classics, including books by Lefty Kreh.
Ed Vaughn — Prospect, Kentucky –
The book is fabulous!
Joe Bednar — Battle Creek, Michigan –
A Masterpiece!! What a tremendous book, just fantastic!
Jim Guerriero –
I totally loved the book!!! You did a really nice job of filling the void that had been lacking in just about all of the other smallmouth fly fishing books. Nice work!!!
Tom Bentley — Huntington, West Virginia –
I travel all around the country, and wherever I’m going, I find good smallmouth fishing by looking in the Destinations section of Smallmouth Fly Fishing. The Destinations alone are worth the price of the book.
Steve Root — St. Paul, MN –
I’m impressed. I’m halfway through it the second time and I fully intend to read it a third time too! For the last 10 years I’ve done all of my bass fishing with a fly rod.
Jay Bunke — Rochester, Minnesota –
I counted the fly fishing books in my library at over 100, yet this book is the one I would keep if forced to choose one.
Mitch Faddis — St. Louis, MO –
Fantastic book; I have given it as a gift to several friends who’ve been equally pleased.
Michael Brown — Pflugerville, Texas –
My friends and I are all saying, “Wow, finally a book that’s practical and has techniques that took us years to figure out on our own.”
Danny Schieffler — Fort Smith, AK –
My wife gave me the book for Christmas. It was my best present, and I can hardly put it down.
Bob Geibe– Master fly tier, Lititz, Pennsylvania –
The most complete book on smallmouth bass fishing I’ve ever read.
Bob Goldfarb — Rutgers Univerity, NJ –
It’s the best book yet written on the subject. I’ve been fly fishing for 50 years.
Jim Simons — Louisville, KY –
I have several smallmouth books, some by famous authors. Yours is far better than any of them.
Nathan Johnson — Stewartville, MN –
Excellent book! I wish more writers would show the reverence and passion and details of technique that you show, rather than speaking about some new piece of equipment all of the time.
Robin Hill — Alaska fishing guide, NY –
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and passion about smallmouths. The book has definitely made me a much better smallie fisherman in a very short order of time. Your pattern the HHF is fantastic for big smallies out here on the Hudson River.
Dave Cornelius –GM/PGA Professional –
I have both your books and they are great. I have fished about 100 waters for smallmouth.
John Biehn –
Here is a photo of a fish from the Shiawasse– 20+ inches of pure river smallmouth– that I caught doing the Hop you teach in the book. This is a killer technique. Accounts for probably 90{4949d78bf26901de2145710e4b5e82a77550ed1d68d9d981ba639bc0a3e30953} of my smallmouths.
Rob Hoffhines — Wilmette, Illinois –
Splendid book! Amazingly comprehensive, Bravo! I had paged through a copy a friend-of-a-friend had, and just that alone got me onto some fish– I scored an 18″-my best flyrod smallmouth ever. A week later it came into my local flyshop and I snapped it up! Now that I’ve re-read the book, with certain passages literally dozens of times (fun to read!) I feel really confidant with the new retrieves and the terrific fly patterns.
Craig Reindeau — Cumming, Georgia –
Smallmouth Fly Fishing” sets a new standard for warmwater fly fishing books.
Kevin Lunde — Coeur d’ Alene, ID –
Your knowledge on smallmouth fly fishing surpasses any other author I have read.
Brian Shumaker — Susquehanna River Guides, Pennsylvania –
Your new book is great! You really covered everything, just like in your first book.
David Brameld — Leavenworth, Washington –
“Smallmouth Fly Fishing” is qualitatively different than all other bass books, it’s so much better.
Kurt Sleighter — Minnetonka, MN –
It’s classic Holschlag writing– very comprehensive, fun to read, full of facts and no BS.
Richard Mallard — Bloomington, Indiana –
Very comprehensive but at the same time easy to follow. I have been a fly fisherman for 40 years, and am enjoying the book immensely. The section on flies makes the book for me a good buy.
Ramsey Romanin — Edwards, CO –
I’m a trout fly fishing guide, with an addiction for smallmouth that will never be satisfied. This book is filled with colossal amounts of useful information that will help me. It is just what I’m looking for!
Warren Phillips — Woodbine, MD –
I read your book cover to cover and really enjoyed it. Your debunking old wisdom on smallmouths is very well done.